Thursday, August 29, 2013

About Lisa

Hello blog readers! My name is Lisa and I am excited to start this new blog and document all my attempts at domesticity. Does that sound enough like a sub-par cover letter? Writing the first post is always the most intimidating. Here's some information about me: 

I got married a little over two years ago to a pretty awesome guy. We met at work while going to college, became friends, started dating, and got hitched as soon as possible! 

Fast forward to the present and we have a two and a half month old baby boy with a perpetual look of alarm and concern on his face. 

Now I am a full-time mommy and college graduate with some little writing gig on the side. After I was thrust into this world of staying home, I realized that I could really improve my home-making skills. So, with open arms I am embracing my new life, and hoping you'll come along for the ride. 

1 comment:

  1. Holy precious, batman! He totally does, and I sort of snorted just now!
